
蠟模採印示範教學  Wax Kit Demonstration




  • 取樣紋路的深淺將忠實地呈現在成品上,我們無法為您加深紋路,因此請您務必滿意您壓印的蠟模。
  • 您可透過手機拍照,放大照片以檢視紋路的清晰程度;建議開啟閃光燈,效果更佳。
  • 您也可以在我們 Instagram @fyntage 上查看更多示範影片,謝謝。

Please watch the entire video below before proceeding with your Fyntage Wax Kit (this video is for Necklace and Earrings products. see instruction card for details if you purchase Ring products). If you have any concerns about the quality of your impressions, please reach out to us before returning them. Once your wax arrive at our studio, they will undergo automatic processing, and adjustments or redo will no longer be possible once production begins.

This product is not recommended for babies under 1 year old as their prints might not be clear enough, but it really depends on the child. We recommend that you inspect your child’s fingerprints before placing order, or consider palm or sole print. For seniors whose fingerprints might be faint by age, you can consider taking their knuckle prints. You can find more helpful demonstrations by viewing highlights on our Instagram.
