The word Buddha in Sanskrit means “The Awakened One“, one who is awakened to Reality, who understands true nature of the mind, the world, and all sentient beings.
The two Buddhas Bountiful Treasures (Prabhutaratna) and Sakamuni share the lion-throne at the temple atop the tower in the sky. Scene from the Lotus Sutra.
- Pendants measure
Length 37mm
Width 23mm
- 18K gold vermeil * - hand crafted in 925 silver with 18k gold plating.
- Handmade in Taiwan
(Each item is handmade to order. Please allow for 4~5 weeks for this process.)
*Gold Vermeil is composed of a thick layer of gold over solid sterling silver. We use 18 karat gold, 2.5 microns thick. The thickness of the gold portion is what really sets vermeil jewelry apart from gold plated pieces.
梵語中的Buddha 一詞意為“覺醒的人”,一個被真理喚醒的人,他了解大自然,世界以及所有眾生的真實本性。
歷史典故:《法華經》見寶塔品 描述過去佛多寶佛曾經發願:若有說法華經者,祂的寶塔便會湧現在說法者面前。後來,在釋迦佛宣說此法時,祂的佛塔果然從地面升起,並邀釋迦牟尼佛入塔而坐,共同演說佛法。
- 項墜
Length 37mm
Width 23mm
- 材質:925銀精緻厚鍍18K純金 - 18K gold vermeil*
- 台灣在地手工製作
(所有商品採接單後純手工製作, 請容許4~5週工作天(不含假日)為您創造獨一無二的寶貴飾品, 感謝您的耐心等待與體諒。)
*Gold Vermeil 國際認可高於10K之真金電鍍於925純銀飾品,且真金厚度需達2.5 microns 之高品質珠寶 (比一般市面上K金電鍍厚度達五倍之多,具有收藏價值且經得起時間考驗)